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When “Political Bandits” Turn “Political Angels” In a Blink Of An Eye

Words mean nothing when one’s actions contradicts.

Metaphorically speaking, it’s a colossal waste of time, to even consider entertaining ” political bandits ”  by their despicable and shameful act to rupture a legitimate government, and now come back ” begging” to be included in Sabah’s rejuvenated administration.

Such being the case, of the State and National Leaders of UMNO, alongside Warisan and Parti Kesejahteraan Demokratik Masyarakat ( PKDM).

Having the Pathetical cheek and shame by these ” power hungry political bandits” , now camouflaging themselves as ” baptized political angels ” in order to be included into the newly formed administration after their previous attempt to dislodge the Chief Minister, is an OUTRAGE. A mistake repeated more than once is a choice.

Some may want to believe the ” cooling off period ” and ceasefire as mentioned by these “puppeteers and puppets” is for the best interest of Sabahans, nevertheless, ” A body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody, ought not to be trusted by anybody.”

Triggering a political crisis, is by far an insult to HM THE KING’s DECREE, for a Unity Government. Which part of the word UNITY, did these power hungry politicians did not understand?

Sabahans will eventually decide at the next polls, if the current government is unsuitable to serve them, and certainly not ” political bandits” with a personal ambition.  There’s a saying, if the hat fits you, don’t hesitate to put it on.

*Ronnie Klassen is a political activist based in Sabah
**The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sabah Baru News

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