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Warisan and some Umno leaders politically immature

Warisan and friends should stop spewing lies and deception, accusing others of corruption and kleptocracy - Jedi Knight Sabah

Warisan and certain Umno leaders must exercise some maturity and gentlemanly conduct in their quest to still be politically relevant in Sabah. Instead of behaving like spoilt brats (kebudak budakan), be a gentleman and stop hiding behind their cyber troopers to do their dirty work.

Viraling postings alluding to something nefarious is connected to Musa Aman’s attendance at the recent PGRS Annual General Assembly reflects not only a lack of maturity but a dire shortage of political ammo (kehabisan modal).

It should be noted that Musa was invited to the PGRS Congress in his capacity as a former CM along with other ex CM’s like Pairin, Osu Sukam and Yong Teck Lee.

Is it wrong to attend? Does it mean there’s a bigger agenda behind it? Frankly it is rather embarrassing that these so called leaders are stuck in their political past, unable to move on. It is high time for Warisan and certain Umno leaders take stock of their own failings instead of being stuck in this rut and living constantly in fear of Musa’s shadow.

Surely there must be some other materials they can use instead of Musa Aman. How effective can they be when they have to wait for him to appear in public or attend some political function to get some political mileage?

Pushing this narrative that Musa is the advisor to the GRS government and the puppet master to its leaders are utter lies. GRS in general and PGRS in particular have their own panel of advisors. Why do they need Musa when they have their lineup of Young Turks to guide them?

Hence, Warisan and friends should stop spewing lies and deception, accusing others of corruption and kleptocracy. These accusations reek of pure defamation and should command for legal action. Furthermore, people in glass houses should not throw stones. They themselves are not without political rap sheets.

Instead of dragging others into their battles in a bid to destabilize the government, these so called leaders should put their house in order.

If they claim to be for the Rakyat, then be a good opposition and prove at the next election that they are the best leaders the Rakyat truly wants and needs. Get the votes and prove their worth instead of constantly scheming like a shady politician and throwing tantrums like spoilt child.

*Jedi Knight Sabah is a political observer. The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sabah Baru News

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