Home » WARISAN ‘s Denial Syndrome – “Blind Leading The Blind”

WARISAN ‘s Denial Syndrome – “Blind Leading The Blind”

Warisan will not be surprised if Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS) decides to swing its support should a political crisis arise and risks the fall of the unity government, said party information chief Datuk Azis Jamman.

“One commonly hears that carping critic politicians complain about what is wrong, but do not present solutions – mirroring themselves is taboo, for fear in what they may see in themselves.”

The 5 former elected Warisan Assemblyman, who have since join Parti Gagasan Rakyat Sabah ( PGRS), forensic audit on the delusional state of Warisan, confirms that their former party are and have always been in a Denial Syndrome.

Warisan’s Information Chief, Aziz Jamman, claim that Gabungan Rakyat Sabah (GRS), would abandon the Federal Unity Government, if there was a political unrest, is by far nonsensical and with bad intent.

“Politics is the only art whose artist regularly disown their masterpieces.”

What Aziz Jamman, may have intentionally forgotten, is his party abandoned and cut all ties with Pakatan Harapan in GE15, yet had the audacity to shamelessly crawl back to support the Unity Government after GE15, which in reality had no barring in the formation of the Unity Government. In short their 3 MP’s made no difference.

The Warisan leadership’s FAILED COUP attempt is testimony of it’s greed and malicious intent to DESTABALISE Sabah and it’s good people. The avalanche of incompetency during the administration of Warisan, speaks volume of it’s denial syndrome and delusional state.

Warisan has been openly exposed and pleading innocence at this point is absurd. It’s internal political instability, conflicts and leadership turmoil is fast becoming irrelevant in the eyes of the people, and quite certain, the people have lost interest in Warisan.

*Ronnie Klassen is a political blogger, based in Kota Kinabalu ,Sabah.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sabah Baru News.