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Regulate the sale of industrial spirits: James

James (left) handing over a contribution to Martin and his wife. Also seen is the SMK Pinggan-Pinggan principal.

KOTA KINABALU: State Community Development and People’s Wellbeing Minister Datuk James Ratib wants the sale of industrial spirits to be regulated so that its consumption does not recur.

“The problem is the solvents are sold in random bottles. In the case involving the poisoning of 20 SMK Pinggan-Pinggan hostel students in Pitas recently, the solvents were resold in Tsingtao beer bottles which may come off as a little too enticing for those who want to get drunk.

“Even the labels are small and unclear. I know these spirits are used in construction but companies should make it clear that industrial solvents are not meant for human consumption. Strong chemicals like these should not be sold so easily.

The exact spirits drank by the Pitas students.

“I will get the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Costs of Living (KPDN) to look into the matter by conducting monitoring at hardware stores and enforce this, especially in rural areas.

“I advise folks in rural areas not to drink methanol as it will kill you,” he said after visiting a comatose Form 5 victim warded at Queen Elizabeth Hospital 2, here, Monday.

It is known that ethanol based industrial spirits are drunk by a few hard drinkers to chase the high for cheap.

James, meanwhile, gave a personal contribution to the parents who have been sleeping at the lobby for five days now, waiting for their son to wake up, telling them to remain calm and let the doctors do their jobs.

The boy’s father, Martin Laissu, said his relatives have homes in the city but he chose to stay in the hospital in case his son wakes up or if the doctor has anything to say.  

“If he wakes up or he doesn’t, it’s all up to God. He chooses to give life and take it away, I cannot say anything other than just keep praying for the best,” he said.

At least two students are in critical condition, with one said to be brain dead when the group began the caustic drinking session at their hostel last Wednesday.