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Warisan must love Musa Aman

The defamatory article posted on pro Shafie Apdal - Warisan (left) Facebook page by MAWAR Channel and reposted by a one Michael Peter Govind reads that in the last 3 weeks, a group known as Geng Musang King is purportedly attempting to topple Hajiji as CM. Based on the accompanying photo of Musa, one can only deduce that Musang King is in reference to Musa Aman (right).

Musa Aman’s name tends to crop up when there is some form of political wrangling in Sabah. He is fodder for certain parties to push their agenda and one such party is Warisan. Warisan must love Musa Aman. It seems they need him for their popularity and political survival. If not, why drag his name everytime they want to raise an issue against the current government? This extreme obsession must stop.

The main players in Sabah’s political arena should in general stop dragging Musa Aman into the power play for the top seat in the government. It is high time they look for other material.

As of late, leaders with vested interests through their faceless henchmen on social media have been hurling slanderous accusations against Musa, this time claiming he is behind an attempt to topple Sabah Chief Minister Hajiji Noor.

The defamatory article posted on FB by MAWAR Channel and reposted by a one Michael Peter Govind reads that in the last 3 weeks, a group known as Geng Musang King is purportedly attempting to topple Hajiji as CM. Based on the accompanying photo of Musa, one can only deduce that Musang King is in reference to Musa Aman.

There is a concerted effort to cause a deep rift between Musa and Hajiji in an attempt to distract the latter from his task at hand with the aim of destabilizing the government.

The article also accuses Geng Musang King  of attacking  and slandering Shafie Apdal and Warisan as the party is seen as the greatest threat to Musa’s political comeback.

Firstly, who are the individuals and members of this so-called newly coined Geng Musang King with a clandestine plan to topple the Chief Minister?  Is there really such a gang or are there certain people afraid of their own shadows, consequently deluding others into believing that this imaginary and fictatous gang really exist?

It is rather pitiful that Warisan and allies are still preoccupied with Musa Aman and expending their resources against a man who has actually stepped away from the political ring, preferring to stay out of the quagmire

Secondly, how is Warisan a threat to Musa’s comeback? They could not even fulfill the entire administrative term, losing the government after their President prematurely called for a snap election in 2020.

One can only be seen as a threat if one has achieved back to back land slide victories in elections or at the very least win an election and form a government democratically, not through back door means.

Thirdly, the article claims Warisan loss to GRS in 2020 was due to Musang King  spending a whopping RM500 million to topple its government then. RM500 million is half a billion Ringgit. With such a gargantuan amount, logically speaking no man would be left standing in Warisan, the president included!

Warisan supporters must accept certain realities. The party lost because the Rakyat caught on to the incessant political rhetorics, deception and lies, which did not benefit them or the state in any shape or form. The Rakyat’s frustrations were compounded by mounting nepotism, cronyism & Sempornanisation of the State’s administration.

Now Warisan is once again at the political crossroads with talks of a looming state election next year. Instead of putting their house in order and endearing themselves to the people, they have once again resorted to lies and deception, which seems to be the hallmark of the party. Lies and deception is what Warisan does best.

Together with their gang of newfound allies, they have mounted a strategy to cause a deep rift between Musa and Hajiji in an attempt to distract the latter from his task at hand with the aim of destabilizing the government.

One must also not ignore the fact that the whole world was witness to the failed coup against the GRS government by Warisan and friends earlier this year.

Now one must ask one self. Who is the “Gang of Usual Suspects” trying to once again to topple the present government?

*Jedi Knight Sabah is a political observer. The views expressed in this article are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sabah Baru News